Al - Amjad Islamic School
Given the many arguments in the Al-Quran and Al-Hadith about the obligation to study for every Muslim, both science quoliyah (written in the Koran) and Kauniyah (translated in nature). So, establishing an educational institution is an obligation for Muslims.
Many Islamic schools have been established, but the conditions are of great concern both physically and in quality. This is a condition that illustrates how the condition of the people and nation going forward, if there is no real effort in the world of education.
The above conditions encourage the Founder of Haji Hasballah Yunus Foundation, Al-Amjad Medan Islamic University, to establish an Educational Institution, which is oriented towards becoming a quality school and pioneering for other Islamic schools.
To achieve the aspirations of the Founder of the Haji Hasballah Yunus Foundation, Al-Amjad Medan Islamic University, in organizing an Educational Institution, which is oriented towards becoming a quality school and pioneering for other Islamic schools. So, it is very important to make various plans and concrete actions so that these goals and objectives can be realized through the Al-Amjad Islamic University.
Become a leading educational institution in creating a young, virtuous, knowledgeable, spirited, responsible, and useful generation of Muslims, nations, and religions.
Carry out IT-based active and fun learning activities.
Organizing learning that develops literacy in the Qur'an and Hadith.
Carry out integrated learning with the Qur'an and Hadith.
Implement literacy-based learning across subjects.
Develop students' self potential through extracurricular activities.
Al-Amjad Islamic College collaborates with the Selection Team from North Sumatra LPTK in carrying out the recruitment process of educators and education staff with stages of Academic, Professional and Pedagogic Competence Tests, so that the process of Teaching and Learning and Student Development in Islamic Education Al -Amjad can run optimally. To maintain the quality of Teaching Staff training and assistance were carried out by LPTK Lecturers and Instructors on an ongoing basis.
Academic Support System
Teaching System
Al-Amjad Islamic School gives every one of the things conceivable to give simple and fun figuring out how to every one of from pre-school to high school. Al-Amjad likewise gives materials to the educators to instruct in a way of understanding will effectively comprehend, they additionally have realia and manipulatives in the instructing learning process. They have diverse methods for taking care of each class for they realize that not all classes will be the equivalent. They all esteem culture and religion that is the reason regard is in the nature of this school.
Measurement and Evaluation System
The teacher measure and evaluate by examining exercises and uses written tests to assess students' knowledge and understanding after teaching the lesson. When the evaluation of students is below the standard, the teacher will give the test again for help students pass the standard.
Teaching Plan of Mathematics
The teaching plans are written in Bahasa. There are topic, goals, and procedures in the teaching plan depends on the standards appearing on the curriculum of teaching Mathematics.