1. Warm up
The teacher greeted the students. After that, let all students stand up and do ice-breaking together by move the body to rhythm 16 posture. Then make its faster to motivate the students to be alert and ready to learn the lesson.
The teacher teaches about basic math symbols to check the student’s vocabulary knowledge.
2. Presentation
The teacher gives the example situation and asks the students how to find the answer. Then the teacher explain that have two ways to find the answer for lead into lessons. The teacher explains the meaning of the associative property of addition and benefits, it helps we add quicker. Last of all, the teacher teaches how to rewrite by using the associative property.
3. Practice
The teacher gives some questions and asks volunteers to write down the answers on the whiteboard and gives the reward to the students who helps to answer the questions.
The teacher separates the students in 2 teams and explains the rules of this game. The students must stand in the team line. Then first person in the team run to the table to find the cards and choose only one card to make it stick on the whiteboard after that running back to the end of the line. Let the next person do the same until make full correct answer. Which team finished first will be the winner.
4. Wrap up
The teacher chooses on student teams as they read their equations. Let the students check to see if they are correct.
The teacher asks questions to summarize student’s knowledge:
- What is the associative property telling us?
- How does the associative property help us?
- If we want to rewrite by using the associative property , what should we do?
5. Assessment
At the next time, the teacher gives the worksheet to the students and let them do in class to assess previous teaching results whether students understand or not.
The teacher gives the reward to students who have high score.
Warm up 5 minutes
Presentation 15 minutes
Practice 35 minutes
Wrap up 5 minutes
Assessment 60 minutes
In actual teaching, it may not be possible to control all the time as specified, so the teachers must be flexible and adapt to the situation.
1. Some students can’t understand in English
Although most students understand in English, but in class has some students don’t understand in English. Therefore, the teacher uses body language to help explain or the teacher’s buddy can help to translate English to Indonesia language (Bahasa).
2. The students rush to find the answer only
In Associative property of addition, finding the answer is not the most important in this part. But is a focus on the calculation process that which group we take it first to help us add quicker.
The students write the results to the problem as soon as they seeing the problem without listening to what the teacher wants them to do.
The teacher solved the problem by gradually telling the students to do step by step and explain why it must be done step by step.